Yoga Instruction

I teach small classes in my private studio.

Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30 AM;
due to small class size, may occasionally be subject to change.

I also offer private and semi-private lessons by appointment.

Contact me to inquire about my current yoga offerings.

Why Yoga and Therapy?

The metaphor between what happens in the body and mind becomes very direct when yoga and psycho-therapy are combined. Yoga stretches, strengthens, and brings the physical body into balance. Therapy stretches, strengthens and brings the emotional body into balance.

Yoga, as a physical discipline, gives us direct access to a practice using our skeletal (voluntary) muscle system. What goes on in our heads is less voluntarily controlled. Yet, what we do and how we heal and take care of our bodies directly impacts our mental health. In this way, yoga and therapy come together to heal the whole person. I use the word “heal” with an assumption that the process of living causes various levels of both physical and emotional injury for everyone.

As an effective form of therapy for the physical body, it is my firm belief that the yoga practitioner is nourishing their psyche as the physical body is being offered important exercise towards a more functional and healthy bodily alignment.

  • Massage therapy can help you undo deep muscle tension.
  • Psycho therapy will help you address and uncover the issues in your life that bring on bodily tensions.
  • Yoga practice will bring your awareness keenly to your habitual form, and help you to see and feel how you carry your life in your body.

To sum up why yoga and therapy: Yoga develops our own personal awareness of ourselves through a discipline that works towards our becoming well aligned, physically. This tuned in physical alignment moves our psyches in the direction of also becoming more well balanced and aligned, creating a beautiful opening for working with our therapists. The individual awareness developed during a potentially meditative yoga workout, gives you access to important material.

Serious yoga practitioners understand that yoga is much more than an exercise of doing daily asana*, but that our lives takes on their own unique asana. Having a therapist available to offer encouragement, understanding, and insight can create a very powerful and meaningful merging of modalities, as yoga on the mat is brought to life off of the mat.

Contact me to join a yoga class or set up a private yoga session.

*asana: Sanskrit for posture or pose; the word that is commonly used when referring to various yoga postures.